Sorry for the delays….

To all of my 3 very loving followers,

I have been completely awol because I found a job for my second summer. I am super excited. and with the stress gone I actually did really well this semester.

First and foremost, here is some advice to finding a firm job:

1. Network EVERYWHERE. You never know what or who can help you or wants to.

2. BE HONEST. Firms appreciate it. They are done with canned answers. So be honest. Be realistic and most important know your worth.

3. Be excited. You need to show them you WANT to be there.

4. Know that your grades do not define you. Because if you do not believe it. They will not.

5. Use the fact that you are not from the area to your advantage. reach out to firms and give them dates.

If you want any more info please feel free to reach out. But I promise you once you know how to be respectful and honest—you will find the right fit for you.

I will be blogging more often. Hopefully it will help you out.

For now, I am back to the mundane profession of being a lame law student.

Summer Jobs, They’re unforgettable/ legal research with bikini’s on top.

I got my own office.

I did. WOHOOOO. And I also brought in a coffee machine now.

I am so happy to work again. I haven’t worked out once this week just because I was so tired but I am so happy I am getting back to work. Well…if you can call watching court all week court. 

It was pretty amazing. I am a little intimidated by the company I keep to be honest, because everyone is SOOO smart. It is amazing. That is life tough.

I talked to Career services and they also made me feel better about the grade.

Just remember life is good, this is not the end of the world. You will be ok.

I am happy, and I am going to be happy no matter what happens. There are millions of way to skin a summer job so I will milk my research opportunities for all they are worth.


Only bad thing about having a job…you get really behind on emails and calls. Those pose problems. Hellohectic law lifestyle. and I do not even work at a firm!!! Life is cray cray.


Preeeeeeetttttyyyyy…hello Hotel turned 9th circuit.


I want to see you again ;).


Peace, I am off to maybe eating and thinking of how badly I need to work out tomorrow,

– LB(J)


I’m Screwed

So one grade cant hurt you but it sure damn stings. I now am below median at about 15% no idea what to do about jobs, and need to start mass mailing firms. 

I need to remember that in life the hustle can pay off and I should keep going until I have exhausted every option. Deathly scared. I worked my butt off but got a low grade. I will never again take classes with law review kids. They are off limits.


Sorry for the rant. Anyone else in this situation? If so how are you coping?


If you are doing better how are you legally analyzing correctly?



Love, and tears,



Law Revue and the truth behind some of the “job” humor

Below I posted a video of “job related humor.” This one was featured in above the law.

What is that problem? The problem is that people right now are just over flooded with lawyers, you have heard this a HUNDRED and five times by now. But I have better news….

The LSAT takers have dropped, half of my section had 1L firm jobs, yes they are still uncommon but the market is getting better. I would actually say the next couple of years are the best time to go to law school because although the jobs are hard to find still, less people are going to law school now then they did. My best piece of advice, is go to law school if you actually want to go and enjoy legal work. 

For me it is something I love! I personally want to teach–I know, I know I need really good grades. But even without good grades with the right amount of publications and a bunch of avenues I can get there. There are a MILLION ways to skin a cat. Period.

Yes, I may sound idealistic, and I may not get to where I am going. Yet, at least I know who I am and where I would go and if I don’t get there I will do something similar. We are too afraid to go for what we want.

So go for that job, try your best and NETWORK:

Here are some links for you that will help you out on finding that “160k”


So once you know what you have and what you want…how do you answer some questions?

Biggest weakness?

Why the bad grades?

How is everyone else doing? I am personally dreading to go to work…I have no idea what this will entail.

According to my boyfriend I should pimp him out and just tell people that he can give them free legal counseling.

If this doesn’t work out I will go the storage wars route…



Transfer or NOT to Transfer

Hello All,

So I again have a couple days to decide if I should ask my professors for rec letters. It seems like transferring from a T14 to another T14 seems like a stupid idea. I logically agree, but I can’t help but wonder what would life be at Stanford. There is just something about Stanford.


I just need to make up my mind. For all of you looking to tranfer, grades matter but they say the reason we transfer is specifically to get people to come to the school we might have accepted but now they have alleviated our doubt. Still though, it might mean giving things up that i have come accustomed too. But my mind won’t stop racing. Oh well.

On another note, will someone please explain to me how hard it is to grade a few exams. NO really. 

Finally, I know these are getting short but I need to start researching for my note or I can kiss my academic dreams goodbye. See you all soon once something interesting comes up in my life.



Meeting with Alum’s

Job search, Job search, Job search!!!!! 

Here is it, time to network like your little heart depends on it all the way on the other coast :). I feel lucky enough that although, I must and do network that my school provides a variety of resources that make it, well not as difficult to do so.

Yesterday I met with an attorney, who was really able to show me that maybe Midlaw is better then Biglaw. Now when you are at a midsize firm you really are able to get your own clientele, but with a big firm you might be stuck doing docreview. So here is the question…which one do I want? and how do you know which is right for you?

Me? I have NO clue. I have a few big firms that I would die to get into, well two specifically because I am in love with the people that work there, but midsize? well to be honest with you I have NO idea how midsize firms operate. Absolutely not. to career services about it is the check I guess.

Any advice on to how get more information? If you are like me and lost, dazed and confused right now I have a few sites that might help you out!





Hello …. 2L? (or currently known as I have not left my bed because of sleep deprivation.)

So I would love to start this post, with the generic “Hello World” but, to be honest, it would be fake because I still have not entered the world.

I just finished 1L, and yes, I am still sadly recovering. I have gotten back to my work out routine, but have I re-emerged into my life opened up my windows and with a BIG HUGE SONG started singing “Good Morning California.” No, no I haven’t.

Furthermore I start my job in a couple of weeks, and planned to somehow get in shape AND start acting on the side. All while getting ready to do a million things next year–oh yeah and waiting for grades.

I will not reveal what school I go to–mostly because its highly irrelevant and also because I am not a fan of being featured on Above the Law for anything I write. So in case I slip up, that part of me will remain a mystery. I will reveal that it is east of Texas, since all of my travel issues will make you wonder “who else would be complaining of flying to california for the summer” obviously revealing I am not from here.

Aside from that, I hope this blog helps YOU. Yes, you. I see you, you 0L or 1L sad that there is no end. There is an end. A clear end. Sadly, that end does not come with the end of finals and the large amounts of alcohol you drink. NO, that end comes much later–when you wish that you can get your law school days back.

I wasted too much time 1L worried and stressed, and what I know regret is not remembering how much I LOVED the experience. So I will live it up next year, and keep in touch with my section mates oh yeah and WORK OUT :). So any ideas as how to keep this up? leave them here. Would love to hear about other experiences.

I am currently getting a bunch of alums and asking questions on how to get a job…or more like trying to figure out what I want to do…any advice :)? Let me know.

K see you all on the flip side–once I actually enter the World.

— LB(J)

Shout out of the day:

Hey you, former HLS Professor, thanks for the student model answer. You helped me on my con law exam.